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Other Software


The full LibreOffice open source tool is available in the Desktop view, under the 'Education' section of the start menu.

LibreOffice is a tool that is similar to the Microsoft Office suite and all these tools will open any Microsoft document. It includes a range of tools that you can use including:

  • LibreOffice Calc -- Spreadsheet tool compatable with .xlsx files.
  • LibreOffice Math -- To visualize mathematical equations.
  • LibreOffice Writer -- Similar to word and compatable with .docx files.

Web browsers

The default installed browser in the Desktop view is Firefox. Google Chrome is also installed.

Building software from source

For more technical users, it is also possible to download, build and install software into your home directories, without affecting other users, by using the '--prefix' option during the configure stage.

Installing system-wide software on project-specific VMs

Users accessing AWB VMs will be standard users with no sudo rights.

Specified sudo commands can be assigned to users if and as when required and on a single user basis, such as when creating custom, project VMs. Users can get access to specific commands but never root access to the VM itself. This will allow us to control access to data across all VMs and prevent data breaches. If you are setting up a project-specific VM and you wish to install additional software, please contact SPACe helpdesk to request privileged user rights to do so.