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Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebooks are open source web applications that allow you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualisations and narrative text. They are an ideal way of sharing ideas, training, and learning to code. You can run a wide range of programming languages in Jupyter but currently only Python3 and R are available on the Linux Desktop VM. You can also open files, folders and even access the terminal within the notebook.

Accessing Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook can be accessed via the Terminal.


This will start the notebook server and open a web browser (or new tab) containing your jupyter notebook to work in, as described in the next section.

Accessing Jupyter Lab

Jupyter Lab is the replacement packages for Notebooks. It offers many of the same features but also includes a more fully featured development environment to improve the user experience in notebook management, debugging and state exploration. It can be started from the command-line

jupyter lab

Using Notebooks

The first view you will see is your VM file structure. From here you can choose to open any existing Jupyter Notebooks or you can open a new notebook in a coding language such as Python3 or Terminal by clicking on the New button in the right top corner.

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Jupyter start page

Python 3 opens a Python Notebook which you will be used to

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Example notebook

Whereas Terminal opens a Unix Command Line from where you could for example clone an external git-repository

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Using the Jupyter command line

As with RStudio, data you upload to the VM via the data ingest methods mentioned in section 3 can be accessed within your Notebooks.

You can also install packages for use with jupyter-notebook, but we recommend doing so within a virtual environment and installing a fresh juptyer-notebook in your environment if doing so.