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Adding Software to your Private Zone VM (Project Owners Only)

Private zone VMs come pre-installed with certain software. For more information, see "Available software."

If you are a project owner and you would like additional software on your Private Zone VM, the process to do so is described below.

Process for customising a Private Zone VM

  1. Your VM will initially be set up in the standard zone. Do NOT put any sensitive data on the VM in this zone.

  2. The project owner will be given a temporary user account with a limited set of privileged security rights and commands. Using these commands, you can configure your project VM in any way you like: you can remove existing software, add additional software, set up custom environments etc. These changes can be applied across the whole VM for all users. If you need help configuring your VM, please contact the SPACe helpdesk.

  3. Once you have configured your VM, contact the SPACe helpdesk and ask that your VM be moved from the Standard Zone to the Private Zone.

  4. The AWB Helpdesk will then contact EPCC and a ticket will be raised to:

  5. Remove your temporary user account.

  6. Perform a security scan of your newly configured VM.
  7. Move the configured VM into the private zone.
  8. Issue you with a new local user account.

  9. You will then login to the Private zone via and your VM will be configured according to your changes in the standard zone.